The Truth Is Out There

We Are Already Slaves

The Old Guard is Dying.
The old world is dying.

Talk to anyone from any political, cultural, “ist,” or “ism,” and, no matter where you sit, 99% of them will agree with you on one thing:

It’s time for a new paradigm.
A new way of relating, behaving, experiencing, and seeing the world and our place within it.

A paradigm that’s, perhaps, entirely unlike the past…

A Copernican Revolution 2.0.

Lest we dishonor the dead and destroy ourselves and everything that’s been built.

Or we suffer the destructive doldrums of endless revolutionary circling’s on the merry-go-round of history.

The Spork in the Road so to speak.

More than any time in history, we live in a time where it’s possible to break free from the failures of the past.

And yet, on the flip-side, more than any time in history, we also live in a time where it’s possible for us to sink deep into an inescapable tyrannical hell-scape…

One that blasts past the limits of even the wildest of imaginations of what it would mean to live a truly miserable existence.

The individual now possesses powerful tools to level the playing field, levers with which to move the entire world with the press of a button.

And the state also has access to such powerful tools and pushes them onto its “subjects” without consent, or, oftentimes, even our awareness.

Which is why…

It’s long been our beat that the real battle isn’t the old and tired tiffs between nations over geopolitical power.

Rather, the real battle, as Michael Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg put it, is “a conflict between decentralization and centralization, between freedom and top down CONTROL.”

Specifically, it’s a conflict between voluntary choice and age-old force.

It’s a battle between sovereignty as individuals or (once again) the individual’s coerced subservience to the jackbooted institution, the gilded throne, or the impulsive, un-reflective stupidity of mob mentality.

The many advocates for top-down control by force, as “well-meaning” as they might be, have an emotional attachment to the Old Guard — a Stockholm Syndrome of sorts — seeing little by way of possibilities outside of the tiny box of arbitrary, elitist social engineering.

Thing is…

It’s not exactly a failure of those who refer to themselves as our leaders…

These are always in flux.

Rather, it’s a failure of individual self-awareness… and a desperate lack of recognition of our true nature as human beings.

You Have an Inherent Nature

All throughout history, the social engineers, central planners, and builders of societies have always assumed human beings don’t have a specific nature.

We are, they have always believed, infinitely plastic, amorphous blobs, clean slates to which not only can be molded… but should be molded to suit the grand plans of the new, hot, utopian vision.

Human beings have always been told they must devote their lives to the State, to God, or the “common good,” as defined by those who sit on the high and mighty perches of society.

In this distorted reality tunnel, the human being is little more than a sacrificial animal, born to serve the dictates of those who deem themselves superior to the unwashed masses…

A draft mule for those who look down the bridges of their noses at the human creatures and see only swarming throngs of vermin, packs of parasites, a collectively clustered cancer on the world.

This isn’t (entirely) because all central planners and their glazed-eyed zealots are (mis)guided by resentment, envy, pride, lust, greed, gluttony, and, more recently, Karl Marx.

But because we as individuals do not know ourselves enough to realize that we do, indeed, have a specific nature… and this nature requires a specific type of society for proper and healthy functioning.

We are not (entirely) unlike the rats in the Rat Park Experiment — put us in an environment which goes against our nature and all we want to do is consume cocaine all day.

We will adapt to the environment, sure.

But only enough to survive… hardly will you see us thrive.

Place us in an environment suited to our mental, physical, and spiritual needs, however, and — boom — the water bowl of cocaine will be there, but it will sit untouched, unnoticed, and unwanted.

The abject failure of the current order, big picture, is a failing not of the culture, government, economy, or biology — but of individual self-awareness.

We can’t demand for ourselves that which we have not taken the time to understand — which is, of course, ourselves.

If we did understand, after all, we would simply stop participating in those things which do us harm…

We would stop trodding down the unsustainable path with the rest of the lemmings… until there are no lemmings left for the blood-and-guts-stained pit beyond the cliff.

So, with little self-awareness as to who we truly are, we, too, assume we can be molded for the Perfect Society.

As we beg and plead, with our sticks and our placards and our witty slogans, for the busybodies to do what they must, at all costs, to make us whole.

If we are to have a happy, healthy society, it must be harmonious with the requirements of this inherent nature.

And, ultimately, if we can whittle this nature down to its barest of bones, the closest we can come to touching it is this:

To the extent that an individual is not free to live his or her life peacefully…

According to his or her own standards…

To make good, life-affirming, generative choices and be rewarded for them and then, as a result, to feel good and in harmony with life…

And to make bad, life-negating, degenerative choices and be punished for them and then, as a result, to suffer and fully feel at dis-ease with life…

To think, feel, intuit, sense, and act freely in accordance to one’s own individual nature, in pursuit of reaching one’s full potential and maturation…

And to fully own what one honestly earns by the sweat of one’s own brow…

Unless these things are not in place…

Try as one might to convince oneself otherwise…

Such an individual is still a slave.

But not a slave to a master… not a slave to some tyrant in some large building who signs his name willy-nilly on piles of papers.

Rather, a slave to one’s own ignorance about who he or she truly is as an individual with an inherent nature…

And how to live in accordance with that nature, so that the proverbial cocaine is forgotten because, of course, we have much better things to do — despite cocaine not only being permitted, but even freely given.

We Are Already Free

It’s no small feat to recognize that freedom is not something granted to the individual from somewhere up above.

But something for which it requires the individual to consciously accept responsibility.

And to own completely his or her own massive power as a free individual.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,” author Marianne Willliamson writes. “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

Because the REAL truth is…

We are already slaves being contained from freedom.

And nothing, not even tyranny, is more gut-wrenchingly horrifying than that.

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